Analyn Ladao
Physical Therapy

Analyn is a highly skilled massage therapist with over a decade of experience specializing in various modalities, including:

Medical massage, Lymphatic massage, and Anti-stress massage.

Her extensive training and expertise, combined with a degree in Physical Therapy, enable her to deliver exceptional care and results

At our Luxe Medical Clinic, Analyn offers a range of treatments designed to address your specific needs

These include:

1. Lymphatic Drainage:

Whether you require pre or post-surgery care, Analyn provides expert lymphatic drainage therapy to support your recovery and optimize healing.

2. Body Treatment:

Experience the benefits of Velashape and Cavitation treatments, administered by Analyn, to enhance your body's contour and appearance effectively.

3. Medical Massage:

If you suffer from muscle pain, spasm, or weakness, Analyn specializes in medical massage techniques tailored to alleviate discomfort and promote muscular well-being.

Rest assured that when you choose Analyn Ladao for your therapeutic needs, you are in the hands of a skilled professional dedicated to delivering top-notch care.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the transformative benefits of Analyn's expertise.